”Carol I” Museum of Brăila

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”Carol I” Museum of Brăila
General profile:
Main profile:

The museum of Brǎila was established in 1881 by a decree of King Charles I. It functioned in the former Ceaparu Inn, and since 1959 has been located in the present premises. In 1968 the permanent exhibition of the museum was structured into two departments: history and art. It underwent reorganization in 1985 so that it should illustrate the history of the county on a national level. The museum occupies a building representing an architectonic monument, built in 1870, that over the time had various destinations (hotel - restaurant, other public utilities). The building was badly damaged by the earthquake from May 1990 and was restored. The archaeology department presents its collection...s by sites, which offers two advantages: on the one hand, the visitor can look at all the vestiges of a community and can develop a full image upon its occupations and lifestyle; on the other hand, the evolutional process becomes more and more obvious, as one can notice the changes in all fields, from artefacts to spiritual life. One can remark the sites of Brǎiliţa, Lişcoteanca, Grǎdiştea, Însurǎţei, Siliştea, where the multi-millenary historical evolution can be looked into. One can admire the vessels and figure depictions from the Neolithic, adornment and rank pieces from the Bronze Age, the inventory of the grave from Gǎvani, the workshop of a jeweller from Grǎdiştea, Roman glass vessels. The structure of the history department collections runs as follows: Romanian and foreign rare books; Romanian and foreign manuscripts and documents; Romanian and foreign numismatic items (seal rings, seal matrices, coins and banknotes, medals and booklets); Romanian and foreign decorations (orders and medals); military history items (uniforms, side and fire weapons); metrology items; clocks; sound recording and rendering devices; period photographs and glass negatives. Besides the archaeology and history departments, the museum has art departments (House of Collections), ethnography folk art, natural sciences and memorials departments. The museum owns goods listed in the National Cultural Heritage Treasure.

Piaţa Traian nr. 3
Postal code:
At 20m from "Saints Archangels" Church and "Maria Filotti" Theatre;
Bus line nos: 2, 4, 10 (Winmarkt, Piaţa Traian and Bariera Călăraşilor);
Tram lines: 1, 2 (M. Eminescu and Parcul Monument)
Time table:
Wednesday - Sunday: 9:00 - 17:00 (summer); 11:00 - 19:00 (winter);
Monday, Tuesday: closed
Phone :
0339.401.002; 0339.401.003
E-mail address:
Administrative subordination:
Brăila County Council
Historic Monument Building: Clădire monument istoric
Museum code:
Dr. Costin Emilian Croitoru
Contact person:
Camelia Hristian
Şef serviciu Relaţii Publice
O.M.C.P.N. nr. 2011/15.01.2010;
O.M.C nr. 2522/10.07.2015 Reacreditare;
O.M.C. nr. 3082/06.08.2020 Reacreditare
Classified :

Subordinate units.
Name County Locality Commune Address Department Map
173 "D. P. Perpessicius" Memorial House Brăila Brăila Strada Cetăţii nr. 70 (CP 0339-401262) Memoriale Map it
175 "Panait Istrati" Memorial House Brăila Brăila Grădina Publică Memoriale Map it
2126 House of Drawn Humor Brăila Brăila Str. Ana Aslan 27-29 Artă Map it
176 Museum of Brăila. Nicăpetre Cultural Centre Brăila Brăila Strada Belvedere nr. 1 Artă Map it
177 Museum of Brăila. Ethnography and Folk Art Department Brăila Brăila Grădina Publică Etnografie Map it
179 Museum of Brăila. Department of Natural Sciences Brăila Brăila Şoseaua Parcului nr. 15 Ştiinţele naturii Map it
1858 "Fănuş Neagu" Memorial House Brăila Grădiştea Grădiştea Memoriale Map it