Museum of the Palace of the Princes of Transylvania

Museum of the Palace of the Princes of Transylvania
General profile:
Main profile:

The Palace of Principles stands out for its contemporary approach, unique in the context of state entities. Physically damaged heritage or lack of physical collection forced creativity, giving interpreters (curators, historians, specialists and, in the future, creatives) a new dimension of narrative: The attraction of loss: In the absence of the physical collection, the Palace reveals its story with the help of physical, artistic and digital reconstruction, a story that can be captivating and emotional for visitors. Presenting another type of physical collection by analogy and comparison: The palace can present a collection of similar objects from other parts, to illustrate certain historica...l or cultural themes. Through the planning and conceptualization project of the future museum, the interior was thought in a contemporary style in terms of design and makes up for the lack of physical collection of objects/artifacts through a mix of solutions and techniques that bring together̆: - techniques specific to digital storytelling; - mechanical and artistic installations; - accessible animations on digital or projected media or through the video-mapping technique; - digital and/or physical reconstructions/replicas of artistic objects/creations, clothing and historical scenery or interior architecture; - the introduction of substitute objects that signify or symbolically represent a theme, a subject, a historical period, an idea, by analogy or from an allegorical point of view; - the use of colors, aromas, ingredients that reproduce the smells and culinary or clothing tastes of the times represented in the museum; - physical or digital models with the evolution of the architecture of the palace, including by overlaying plans dotted by different colors, etc. The new museum, the Palace of the Princes of Transylvania, will position itself as a type of digital-storytelling museum, which recovers its historical memory and proposes an immersive foray into the life of the Transylvanian Principality. The Palatul Principilor Transilvaniei Museum aims to debut in the public space and creatively and innovatively capitalize, through artistic means, through installations and digital artifacts, a collection of objects, documents, sources, scenarios and ideas related to the Transylvanian Principles and their principles of governance, but also of life. The Palace of the Principles as a Museum will be in a continuous evolution and transformation. The museum will exhibit, as it collects or lends, and will develop its narratives/stories based on how new historical artifacts will be accommodated that will enrich the museum's heritage.

Alba Iulia
Strada Militari nr. 4
Postal code:
Time table:
Monday: closed;
Tuesday - Sunday: 9:00 - 17:00 (winter)/9:00 - 19:00 (summer)
Phone :
0358 732013; 0358 880050; 0358 880053; 0730654848
Administrative subordination:
City/town Council
Museum code:
Paul Robert Roman
Contact person:
Alexandra Sicoe
Classified :