Museum of the Book and Romanian Exile

Museum of the Book and Romanian Exile
General profile:
Main profile:

The Museum of the Book and the Romanian Exile is a unique large-scale project, its heritage includes dozens of extremely valuable collections in terms of the content it provides. Our efforts have been directed towards the reunification of Romanian culture with the cultural treasure created outside the country, from the years of post-war Romanian exile until now. The project was born from the need and necessity of generating an overview of Romanian spiritual creations, made beyond the country's borders during the communist regime. The uniqueness of the Museum's holdings is given by their remarkable diversity, easy to notice, especially through the prism of the fields represented, from the hum...anities and social sciences, theology and music, to the performing and visual arts, as well as the types of materials that make up each separate collection. In addition to these, the museum exhibits pieces of furniture, personal items and original photographs, as well as unique visual art from painting, sculpture, drawing or engraving. Our institutional efforts therefore aim at the popularization of the works signed by famous names of the Romanian exile and which, until now, have circulated for almost half a century only outside the borders of the country, only a small part being edited and translated into Romanian. Visiting the exhibits one by one, we have the opportunity to look at the handwriting of the authors well-known to us, as it appears in the holographic dedications in the precious books or in the original manuscripts and documents from the libraries of the personalities represented in the Museum, on the correspondence sheets carried by the writers celebrities from exile, revealed for the first time to the public in Romania. Passing from one room to another, we admire pieces of furniture, personal items and original photographs, but also unique visual art from painting, sculpture, drawing or engraving, which allows us to, for a moment, imagine ourselves in the minds of the writers and creators of fine art. The museum offers visitors a foray into the work of some prominent figures of Romanian literature, art, history and culture. Mircea Eliade, Emil Cioran, Ileana and Romulus Vulpescu, Acad. Basarab Nicolescu, Acad. Dan Berindei, Acad. Dan Berindei, Acad. Dinu C. Giurescu, Andrei Şerban, Vintilă Horia, George Banu, Octav Calleya or Aurora Cornu are just a few representative examples. Every corner of the Museum was thought to tell a story. All the goods in the museum's heritage, from written materials to audio-video ones, bear witness to both the creative activity and the behind-the-scenes life of prominent representatives of Romanian culture.

Strada 24 Ianuarie nr. 4
Postal code:
Time table:
Tuesday - Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00
Monday: closed
Phone :
Administrative subordination:
Dolj County Council
Museum code:
Mihaela Dudău
O.M.C. nr. 3157/30.08.2024 Acreditare
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