A monument of architecture, a lay construction from the time of Antonie Vodă Ruset, from the years 1673 - 1679, the house used to be an annex of the old Princely Court of Jassy and the place where Dosoftei had his print until 1686 when he was forced to leave for Poland. The Department of Historic Monuments restored it between 1962 and 1968 with a view to opening the department of old Romanian literature of the Jassy Museum of Romanian Literature. The two rooms on the ground floor and first floor shelter an exhibition illustrating the development of Romanian literature from early times to 1830, including historical literature. There are manuscripts and rare books: the Bible of Bucharest... from 1688, the Slavonic psalm book printed by Coresi, the Book of Learning belonging to Metropolitan Dosoftei, a copy of a "Pateric", a Slavonic manuscript from 1350 - 1380, a fragment of a manuscript from the time of Alexander the Good, a page from a gospel book copied by Gavriil Uric (1429), liturgy book copied in 1429 by deacon Fedca following the orders of Prince Stephen the Great, liturgy book printed by Macarie in 1508, the Apostle book copied by priest Bratu from Braşov, prayer book printed by Dimitrie Liubavici, a religious book printed by Coresi (1578), the homily book of Varlaam (1643), the verse psalm book printed by Dosoftei (1673), a chronograph that belonged to Eminescu; the chronicles of Grigore Ureche, Ion Neculce, Miron Costin, Nicolae Costin; old icons and printer.