Prahova County Natural Sciences Museum

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Prahova County Natural Sciences Museum
General profile:
Main profile:
Natural Sciences: Aquaria, Botanics, Zoology; Geol

Established on December 30, 1956, and since then in a continuous process of expansion and modernization, the County Museum of Natural Sciences Pahova presents itself today as an important cultural-scientific and educational institution of the county, being recognized as one of the most serious and prestigious centers of this profile in Romania. Exhibition activity and direct work with the public are carried out in nine museum sections, each with a well-defined identity from the point of view of the scientific theme and the cultural-educational functionality, while also having a judicious territorial distribution, being located both in the county main city, as well as in three geographical ar...eas with a great cultural and tourist significance: the Museum of the Man and the Aquarium - in Ploieşti, in the Palace of Culture, the Petroleum Museum - in Ploieşti, the Museum of the Natural Reservation Bucegi - in Sinaia, the Salt Museum in Slănic, - Museum "Mine Flowers" and Anthropology Museum "Francisc I. Rainer" - in Cheia, Museum "The Nature of the Teleajen Valley" - in Vălenii de Munte, Botanical Garden - in Bucov. The uniqueness of this museum among its institutions is its profoundly educational character, having a brand assumed as MUSEUM-SCHOOL through the educational offer for pupils and preschools, but also due to the interactive presentation of the permanent exhibitions using modern exposure techniques such as augmented reality and VR technology. Besides the 9 museum sections, the museum has a National Cultural Heritage Lab and 10 patrimonial warehouses, organized as follows: Mineral Warehouse, Palaeontology Depot, Botanical Superior Plants, Botanical Inferior Plants, Old Pharmacy Deposit, Entomology Deposit, Malacology Deposit, Warehouse Vertebrates, Wet and Anatomic Paths Warehouse, Mortar and Mural Painting Store.

Strada Erou Călin Cătălin nr. 1
Postal code:
Palatul Culturii (Palace of Culture), lines 44, 30, 1 (Coreco-Hale bus stop)
Time table:
Tuesday - Sunday: 9.00-17.00;
Monday closed.
Phone :
E-mail address:
Administrative subordination:
Prahova County Council
Historic Monument Building: Clădire monument istoric
Museum code:
Dr. Dragoş Grigorescu
Contact person:
Roxana Manolache (, Şef secţie judeţ Dorina Urzeală (
Relaţii publice
O.M.C. nr. 2097/18.02.2016 Acreditare; O.M.C. nr. 2783/22.03.2023 Reacreditare
Classified :

Subordinate units.
Name County Locality Commune Address Department Map
2124 Bucov Botanical Garden Prahova Bucov Strada Industriei nr. 8A Ştiinţele naturii Map it
1736 "Mine Flowers" Museum Prahova Cheia Măneciu Ştiinţele naturii Map it
1735 "Francisc Rainer" Anthropological Museum Prahova Cheia Măneciu Memoriale Map it
2123 Ploieşti Aquarium Prahova Ploieşti Strada Sblt. Erou Călin Cătălin nr. 1 Ştiinţele naturii Map it
1918 "Museum of Man" Exhibition Prahova Ploieşti În Palatul Culturii, strada Erou Călin Cătălin, nr.1 Ştiinţele naturii Map it
508 Museum of Oil Prahova Ploieşti Strada Dr. Bagdasar nr. 8 Ştiinţă şi tehnică Map it
490 "Bucegi Natural Park" Museum Prahova Sinaia Bulevardul Carol I, Parc Ghica Ştiinţele naturii Map it
512 Museum of Salt Prahova Slănic Strada 23 August nr. 19 Ştiinţă şi tehnică Map it
1737 Museum of Teleajăn Valley Nature Prahova Vălenii de Munte Strada Berevoieşti nr. 14 Ştiinţele naturii Map it