The botany collection comprises herb plants species from Dobrudja and the Danube Delta (no water species) both common species and endangered endemic ones, rising to 13,609 items. The entomology collection comprises insect species (coleoptera, hymenoptera, dipters) from the Danube Delta, Dobrudja, other regions of the country and exotic species rising to 21,000 items. The mineralogy and palaeontology collections comprise minerals from Dobrudja, Baia Mare and ammonite, echinoderm, fish fossils from Dobrudja rising to 1,104 items. The ornithology collection comprises day and night birds of prey species, water, steppe and Passeriformes species. The collection comprises rare, accidental and en...dangered species. The collection pieces are naturalized or under the form of casts (690 naturalized pieces and 760 pieces under the form of casts). The oology collection comprises 320 eggs belonging to water birds and birds of prey. The mammals collection comprises species characteristic of the Danube Delta and Dobrudja rising to 50 items. The skulls and breast bones collection comprises pieces under the form of mammal skulls and water and prey bird breast bones rising to 220 skulls and 150 breast bones. The ichthyology collection (wet specimens) comprises fish species of the ichthyofauna from the Danube Delta, the Black Sea, the Atlantic Ocean (south - east and centre) and the Indian Ocean (west); the conserved specimens rise to 153. The live fish collection comprises local prey and domestic species, from lakes, rivers or seas, as well as exotic species from the lakes or rivers of Latin America, South America (north part), South - West Asia, Central Africa (over 90 local specimens, 17 species and over 50 exotic specimens, 28 species).