Astronomy Science Museum Baia Mare. Planetarium and Astronomic Observatory

Astronomy Science Museum Baia Mare. Planetarium and Astronomic Observatory
General profile:
Main profile:
Natural Sciences - Observatory

In its history of over 50 years, the institution has received over 1,000,000 visitors; The Baia Mare Astronomical Complex was one by one: the first public planetarium in Romania (1969), the only public planetarium in Transylvania (1969 - 2017), the most modern optical planetarium in Romania (since 2015 and until now), the initiator of the first and the most modern digital multimedia exhibitions in Romania (2011 - present), a center of excellence in the popularization of astronomy (2015 - present), the only optical planetarium in Romania equipped with the Skymaster ZKP4 system (2015 - present), the only hybrid projection reference with LED system (optical) and laser system (digital) in Romani...a (2020). The Baia Mare Astronomical Complex is a member of the National Network of Museums in Romania (RNMR) and of the International Association of Planetariums (IPS). The Baia Mare Astronomical Complex is - also - the only independent institution in Romania, coordinated directly by the Maramureş County Council (2014 - 2020). From September 2020, following the agreement of the National Commission of Museums and Collections, as well as by the decision of the Maramureş County Council, our institution became a museum again, under the direct coordination of CJMM, with the name of Baia Mare Museum of Astronomical Sciences. The Planetarium and the Astronomical Observatory offer memorable dome planetarium performances (guides on the artificial sky designed with an optical-mechanical device in which both the scientific and the cultural dimension are revealed, even in Romanian popular identification of constellations and certain cosmic phenomena) , free astronomical observations of some phenomena or classes of objects in the solar system (planets, natural satellites, etc.) or belonging to the deep universe (galaxies, clusters, etc.), organizes basic exhibitions ("The Universe in the Third Millennium", "The Solar System ”,“ Movements in the Sky ”) and temporary (“ Hubble Telescope ”,“ Navigation Instruments and Techniques ”,“ Astronomicus ”etc.), also hosting a very valuable philatelic collection of over 650 pieces (with addition to 2012 has another 2000 pieces) dedicated to the history of astronomy and the efforts to know and conquer outer space.

Baia Mare
Strada George Coşbuc nr. 16
Postal code:
Time table:
Tuesday - Sunday: 8.00 - 16:00;
Monday: closed; digital projections: 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00
Phone :
programări grupuri: 0362.401.921
Administrative subordination:
Maramureş County Council
Museum code:
Ovidiu Ignat
Classified :