Results: 1 - 20 from 262

Name (*) Locality (*) Address (*) Department Time table (*) Map
1 ”Village's Dowry” Museum Covăsânţ Strada Podgoriei nr. 167 Ethnography Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 9:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 21:00
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2 Dumitru Norocea House - Ethnography and Folk Art Department Curtea de Argeş Museum Curtea de Argeş Strada Victor Ştefănescu nr. 8 Ethnography Tuesday - Sunday: 9:00 - 16:00;
Monday: closed
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3 Poiana Sărată Ethnographic Museum Poiana Sărată Şoseaua Principală nr. 226 Ethnography &#nbsp; Display on the map
4 Museum of Ethnography and History Vişeu de Sus Strada Libertăţii nr. 7 Ethnography &#nbsp; Display on the map
5 Buziaş Spa Museum Buziaş Strada Avram Iancu nr. 23 (colţ cu str. Florilor) Ethnography Saturday, Sunday, 14:00 - 17:00 Display on the map
6 "Ioan Grămadă" Bukovinean Ethnographic Collection Câmpulung Moldovenesc Strada Grigore Savie nr. 19 Ethnography On demand Display on the map
7 "Popa" Museum Târpeşti Ethnography 8.00 - 20.00 Display on the map
8 Ethnographic Museum ”Saint Virgin Mary” Bila Strada Plopilor nr. 52 Ethnography By prior phone appointment (0744.246.345) Display on the map
9 "Kallos Zoltan" Museum Răscruci Ethnography On demand Display on the map
10 "Ioan Stroia" Ethnographic and Religious Art Museum Fântânele, oraş Sălişte Strada A. Şaguna nr. 34 Ethnography On demand Display on the map
11 ”Ileana and Andronic Andronicescu” Museum Collection Fundu Moldovei Fundu Moldovei Strada Principală nr. 160 Ethnography Tuesday - Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00;
Monday closed (summer);
On demand (winter)
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12 Ethnographic Collection of Pleş Family Ieud Strada Principală nr. 909 Ethnography On demand Display on the map
13 Museum of Painted Eggs "Lucia Condrea" Moldoviţa Strada Stadionului nr. 87 Ethnography &#nbsp; Display on the map
14 Egg Museum Vama Strada Gării nr. 20 Ethnography Daily 10:00 - 18:00 Display on the map
15 Wooden Spoon Collection "Ioan and Elisabeta Ţugui" Câmpulung Moldovenesc Strada Gheorghe Popovici nr. 1 Ethnography &#nbsp; Display on the map
16 Sângeru Museum of Stone Sângeru Strada Principală nr.1 Ethnography Daily 9:00 - 18:00 Display on the map
17 Ethnographic Museum ”Saint Ann” Bălăneşti Strada Principală nr. 32 Ethnography On request, by phone booking Display on the map
18 Cârlăneşti Village Museum Cârlăneşti Strada Principală nr. 3 Ethnography On demand Display on the map
19 Domneşti Ethnographic and Popular Art Museum Domneşti DN 73C Ethnography &#nbsp; Display on the map
20 DGAMPT - ”Zestrea Apusenilor” Collection Vaţa de Jos Piaţa Moţilor nr. 1, bloc 12, parter Ethnography Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 16:00
Saturday, Sunday: closed
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