"Prejmer" Fortress

"Prejmer" Fortress
General profile:
Main profile:

Peasant Fortress and Evangelical Church were inscribed as architectural ensemble in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1999. The church was designed in 1218, based on a Greek cross plan with polygonal apses, was restored between 1964 and 1970. The church has the oldest exposed Transylvanian triptych dated 1450 - 1460. City walls were built in the 15th century by German residents. It was designed to serve the village population as refuge and defense in time of war. It is the strongest fortified city built by Saxon settlers in Transylvania. The citadel has two precincts. The main circular one has a diameter of about 80 meters and was built after 1427. It surrounds with an impressive wall 3 ...211; 4m thickness, and at approx. 12 m height, a guard road. A second precinct, lower than the other, is joined to the corridor of the arched gateway. Main enclosure wall is reinforced externally by several bastions. The interior has 275 chambers arranged in three and four levels, connected to each other by wooden ladders. Formerly, in these cellars were kept villagers’ supplies (each family had its own pantry) that sought refuge in the fortress during the siege. Also, the main enclosure walls, flanked by four circular bastions artillery were provided with shooting holes preserved until today. In several rooms are presented aspects of life of the inhabitants of the village. One room is devoted to "Old School" (teachers are first mentioned in 1460 and 1556) that was used during the siege of the village until 1853, when a new school was built. School furniture exhibited is more recent. In the next room a traditional Saxon interior is shown (parts come from a household of Gârbova, Alba county), composed of the bed on which textile parts drawers, desk, kitchen cabinet ("blidar") etc. Here can be seen painted furniture from communes Miercurea Sibiului, Câlnic (Alba), Beia (Braşov County), Prejmer and Tăure (Bistriţa County). More rooms present specific tools crafts in the area. In one room, a loom in Gârbova, along with other tools tissue (carding wool combs, small board tissue sticks). Hemp processing was arranged in a room which showcases various types of comb, combs hemp, and pieces from the workshop of a Funar – rope maker (dated 20th century) of Homorod (Braşov county): chariot , thick rope twisting machine, hammers. Crafts exhibition includes a room with a wheel maker workshop from Beia (Braşov county) and a saddler and harness workshop from Alţâna (Sibiu county). Agricultural activity is presented in two rooms, one with tools for agriculture and one for viticulture and fruit growing. Machines and tools used in viticulture and fruit are presented in the next room, such as a mold with crotch of Târnăvioara, Sibiu County, from 1839; a mobile screw winepress from Gârbăvioara, Alba County, and mill crushed fruit Cristian, Braşov county, dating from the 20th century. Since 1992, the whole architectural ensemble is under the patronage of Transylvanian Saxons Foundation in Munich.

Postal code:
In the centre of Prejmer, on the road from Braşov to Buzăului Passing.
Time table:
Tuesday - Friday: 9.00 – 17.00 (summer), 9.00 – 15.00 (winter);
Saturday 9.00 - 15.00 (summer);
Closed on Sunday and Monday
Phone :
Administrative subordination:
Saxons' Foundation in Munchen
Museum code:
Classified :