Complete list of museums with virtual tour (212)

Result: 1 - 20 from 212

Name (*) Locality (*) County (*) Department (*) Virtual tour link Map
1 "Fănuş Neagu" Memorial House Grădiştea Brăila Memorials See the virtual tour
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2 Museum of the University "Al. I. Cuza” - IAŞI Iaşi Iaşi History See the virtual tour
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3 National Museum of Unificaton Alba Iulia Alba History See the virtual tour
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4 Argeş County Museum Piteşti Argeş History See the virtual tour
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5 "Liviu Rebreanu" Memorial House Valea Mare-Podgoria Argeş Memorials See the virtual tour
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6 "Victor Anestin" Astronomical Observatory Bacău Bacău Science and Technology See the virtual tour
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7 "Ion Borcea" Natural Sciences Museum Complex Bacău Bacău Natural Sciences See the virtual tour
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8 "Ion Borcea" Memorial Museum Racova Bacău Memorials See the virtual tour
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9 Bistriţa-Năsăud Museum Complex Bistriţa Bistriţa-Năsăud History See the virtual tour
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10 "George Coşbuc" Memorial Museum Coşbuc Bistriţa-Năsăud Memorials See the virtual tour
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11 "Liviu Rebreanu" Memorial Museum Năsăud Bistriţa-Năsăud Memorials See the virtual tour
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12 "Ion Pop Reteganul" Memorial Museum Reteag Bistriţa-Năsăud Memorials See the virtual tour
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13 Mining Museum of Rodna Rodna Bistriţa-Năsăud Ethnography See the virtual tour
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14 "Silverer's House" - German Center Bistriţa Bistriţa Bistriţa-Năsăud Memorials See the virtual tour
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15 Botoşani County Museum Botoşani Botoşani Archaeology See the virtual tour
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16 "Nicolae Iorga" Memorial House Botoşani Botoşani Memorials See the virtual tour
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17 Ipoteşti Memorial and "Mihai Eminescu" National Studies Centre Ipoteşti Botoşani Memorials See the virtual tour
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18 ”Ştefan Luchian” Museum Ştefăneşti Botoşani Memorials See the virtual tour
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19 Braşov Art Museum Braşov Braşov Memorials See the virtual tour
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20 "Mureşianu's House" Museum Braşov Braşov Memorials See the virtual tour
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