Bucerdea Vinoasă Ethnographic and Religious Museum

Bucerdea Vinoasă Ethnographic and Religious Museum
General profile:
Main profile:

The private museum of Bucerdea Vinoasa occupies an important place among local attractions; it’s a museum with an ethnographic and religious display housed by the best space for this purpose - the Orthodox churchyard within the village center. The community’s cultural heritage was organized thematically as follows: local history, ethnography and church history. The largest space is devoted to the ethnographic side of the museum: a rural cottage interior; storytelling customs; the presence of wheat in traditions, customs and the sacred space; traditional viticulture; photography as an ethnographic document. Both the objects and their placement in the room show how the interior... of a cottage- a two room mud brick structure covered with straw - was organized in the nineteenth century: the entrance hall and the house proper(living room) with a back porch. Including everything from traditional furniture to fabrics and folk garb, the display is enriched by the reenactment of the traditional custom of storytelling. Old photographs complete the ethnographic overview of this settlement with moments from the popular calendar, important events from everyday life, along with those showing the evolution of traditional garb over time. An attempt was made throughout the exhibit to provide a unified picture of an ancient occupation, agriculture, with a focus on plants that are at the heart of many stages of human life: wheat and vines. An important part of the display is dedicated to traditional viticulture. The display depicts the process the grapes go through from the vine all the way to the finished product, accentuating the distinctive pieces related to vineyard work such as the stone winepress from the second half of the eighteenth century. The wheat grain also has a special place due to the history and importance of cereal cultivation as well as its inclusion in Romanian folk habits, beliefs and practices regarding the human life cycle, yearly events and the sacred space. Two separate areas are reserved for local history. One space is devoted to some archaeological evidence from one of the most important Dacian fortresses from Alba county, APOULON (PIATRA CRAIVII), highlighting the triple role of the old fortress: military, civic and spiritual center. The other area highlights the religious history of this community drawing the visitor’s attention to fragments of frescoes and eighteenth century iconostases, old books and a religious painted glass icon from the Maierii Bălgrad art center.

Bucerdea Vinoasă
Strada Principală nr. 77
Postal code:
village centre, in the courtyard of the Orthodox Church
Time table:
On demand
Phone :
0258.844.441; 0729.914.697
E-mail address:
Administrative subordination:
Alba County Council
Museum code:
Contact person:
Pr. Bolea Nicolae, Grigoruţ Anamaria
Classified :