It was established as a town museum in 1952. In 1981, it turned into a County Museum Complex. In 1997, it moved into a new building. It holds archaeological collections, especially from the Neolithic and the Geto-Dacian period, originating in the sites of Ciolăneşti Deal, Siliştea, Vităneşti, Zimnicea, Orbeasca de Sus, Albeşti etc., coin hoards uncovered at Poiana, Sfinţeşti, Schitu, Poroschia, Alexandria, Ulmeni, Balta Sărată etc. The visitors can also see, a rich regional ethnographic collection, presented in a permanent exhibition, and the art collection. It has a conservation laboratory and pottery, metal and paper restoration workshops. ...Currently it participates in an international (Romanian-English) project regarding the research into the prehistorical dwelling on the Teleorman Valley, together with the National History Museum of Romania and the University of Cardiff. The museum is involved in several research and social projects. The museum owns goods listed in the National Cultural Heritage Treasure.