The Village Museum is an ethnographic open air museum sheltering monuments of traditional architecture: homesteads, churches, rural installations, rural workshops (290 constructions). At the same time the museum holds ethnographic and folk art items, belonging to collections specific of various kinds of crafts - costumes, pottery, carpets, rugs, wood, wooden and glass icons, items illustrating various customs (52,000 items); museum archive including documents, photographs, negatives glass and celluloid, slides, films, audio and video recordings (about 200,000 items). Some of the most precious exhibits include: the "Moişeni" homestead dating from 1780 (brought to the museum by ...Professor Gheorghe Focşa), the "Berbeşti" homestead from 1775, the "Ieud" homestead from 1890, and "Dragomireşti" Church from 1722, all from Maramureş; the "Sălciua de Jos" homestead from Alba, dating from 1815; the "Răpciuni" Church from 1773; the "Zăpodeni" one-cell House; the oil press from Gura Râului, Sibiu county etc. Professor Dimitrie Gusti, after ten years of researches and ground acquisitions, had the idea to found the museum. The initial sitting designs were executed by Victor Ion Popa. Between 1948 and 1978 the museum was managed by professor Gh. Focşa. The museum owns goods listed in the National Cultural Heritage Treasure.